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10 photos that will make you want to visit Massa Lubrense

written by Serena Lobianco Italy is among the countries that boast a great naturalistic heritage and it is not surprising that it is one of the most popular destinations for travelers. Undoubtedly, Massa Lubrense is one of its natural wonders there is, rich in coastal and hilly landscapes. Precisely for this reason, we have selected…

Schiazzano: discovering the Provolone del Monaco

Schiazzano: discovering the Provolone del Monaco

written by Claudia Fontana Schiazzano is a small hamlet of Massa Lubrense and is one of the major production sites of Provolone del Monaco. The village, which has always been related to maritime trade, was in the past among the richest villages of Massa Lubrense. Today the inhabitants of Schiazzano continue to base their main…

Torre Punta Campanella Tower
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Saracen towers in Massa Lubrense

di Eleonora Aiello Il territorio di Massa Lubrense è costellato di torri di guardia costiere, le cosiddette “torri saracene”. Sono la testimonianza di un sistema di avvistamento e difesa volto a proteggere la popolazione dalle incursioni dei corsari. Storia Le torri di guardia sul territorio di Massa Lubrense furono edificate in diversi periodi: durante il periodo…