
Due to its strategic location, Marciano offers beautiful views on the island of Capri.

Capri e Punta San Lorenzo

Approximately 100 feet above the sea, the village of Marciano stretches on the western slope of Tore di Termini, between the tips of S. Lorenzo and Bacoli, just opposite the island of Capri. The name of the village probably derives from that of a Roman family that once owned a villa in Punta S. Lorenzo.

Church of Sant’Andrea

The Church of St. Andrew, of the fifteenth century, has a single nave, and an apse. The altar is made of marble, with a beautiful statue of the Sacred Heart. The statue of St. Andrew is in the chapel of St. Joseph, founded in 1680 and later rebuilt by the inhabitants emigrated to America in 1893. The altar of the right aisle houses the statue of the Madonna.

How to reach Marciano

By car

To reach Marciano, take Via IV Novembre from Massa Centro and proceed for about 2 km. You can find a pèarking place along the road, in the blue lines.

Public transport

SITA buses going to Marcianoleave from Sorrento and cross Massa Centro, direction Marina del Cantone. Please check the bus schedule.

The beaches:

Baia delle Sirene
Le Fontane
Difficoltà: bassa
Dislivello: 200 m
Lunghezza: 6 km
Segnavia: Rosso-Verde; Rosso; Blu; Rosso-Blu

From Viale Filangieri, in Massa Centro, the path starts from via Rachione. Here we recommend a quick visit to the nymphaeum Cerriglio, located in the building that since the fifteenth century is the residence of the family De Martino. Walking along the long avenue leading to the nymphaeum, you can not but be attracted to the colonnade in tuff with marble busts. The path continues by Via Mortella, at the corner of Via Pozzillo, following the red marks.

You are now between walls of tufa stone, in Via Sant’Aniello Vecchio, heading to the ancient church of Sant’Agnello Abbate. The path goes uphill to a staircase that leads to the village of Santa Maria. The panorama from this path is almost a telescope on the port of Marina Lobra. When the stairs end you are in the small square of Santa Maria. The church entitled to Santa Maria della Misericordia is on the left. You are now in one of the oldest hamlets of Massa Lubrense. It was formerly called Belvedere, the name changed in the current Santa Maria della Misericordia, for special protection to those convicted in the Court of Justice that was here. Walking on the road, following the blue trail, cross the square of Annunziata, with its church, and, soon after, the majestic Torre Turbolo, built in 1614 and home to the Pawnshop. You can stop for a moment, to rest on the benches of the belvedere, on the western bastion of the castle: the view on Capri is wonderful. Continue the path always on the road, downhill, to reach the top of a staircase adjacent to Villa Murat. From this place Joachim Murat, King of Naples, followed the military operations for the conquest of Capri. It was Andrea Rossi, a scholar of the Villa owner, to host in early October 1808. The walk continues with blue trail until you reach the second turning on the left, the red-blue trail of via Parate: from here you come out, for a short distance, on the road via IV Novembre. This road, bridge on Rivo Annunziata, must be followed for approximately 100 metersuntil you reach the next link road on the right near the driveway to a hotel. This stretch leads to Via San Liberatore. The trail becomes a newly paved road and, leaving behind the parish of St. Andrew the Apostle, goes down to the old olive tree of Marciano: a true surprise of nature. Every year, on the occasion of Christmas, among its twisted branches, a picturesque nativity scene is prepared. Immediately after leaving this tree, you will find the old wash house of Marciano. The road continues for a few hundred meters to the beginning of the path leading to the rocks of Marciano called “Le Fontane”. Moving to the northeast, the gaze falls on the ruined, but still majestic tower of Punta San Lorenzo. If weather conditions permit, and if you are brave, it is worth diving into these beautiful waters, as a reward for the “hard work” of the trail.