Excursion map of Massa Lubrense and Sorrento
The map of Massa Lubrense and Sorrento with all the updated hiking itineraries is available at our office.
You can find both the free version and the paid map, enriched by the description of the trails.

Map of the trails of the Amalfi coast. Scale 1: 10,000. Vol. 4: From Positano to Punta Campanella
Thirteen printed routes + ten online routes from Monte Comune to Punta Campanella (CAI path n. 300), the Via Minervia; Massa Lubrense; Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi; from Marina della Lobra to Marina del Cantone; Malacoccola; Jeranto Bay; Marina del Cantone; Recommone; Crapolla…
Price: € 5,00
In addition to the map of Massa Lubrense and Sorrento, we have those of the entire Amalfi Coast and the island of Capri, and the CAI map of the Monti Lattari Regional Park.
On our website, in the “Maps” section, there is a list of trails with related maps to follow with the All Trails app. Furthermore, for each itinerary it is possible to download the GPX and KML tracks (to be used also off-line).
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