Position: Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi

The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie was founded in 1475, is one of the most fascinating and historical religious buildings in the municipality of Massa Lubrense.

Inside, the church has a simple facade, divided into two parts by an entablature. In the lower part there is the entrance portal, surmounted by an image of the Madonna delle Grazie in majolica from 1873. The Madonna is depicted with a pink robe and a blue mantle on a white background. The upper part of the facade has a window and a small rose window.

On the right side of the facade is the entrance to the parish hall. While on the left stands the bell tower, divided into three orders. In the last order there is the belfry, while in the second there is a majolica clock dating back to the late XVIII and early XIX century. The clock has a blue border with floral motifs, while the dial features six Roman numerals and yellow tiles. The hands are made of metal, thus completing the clock that marks time for the faithful and citizens of Massa Lubrense.

Characterized by a Latin cross plan, the church houses a precious XVII century altar, considered an authentic artistic masterpiece. This altar, made by the sculptor and architect of the Florentine school Dionisio Lazzari, is an extraordinary work in marble inlay, mother of pearl and lapis lazuli. Unique in its kind, it was described by the Neapolitan historian D.A. Parrino in 1700 as a work so extraordinary to have no equal in the world.

In addition, the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is also the guardian of many artistic treasures. Including the beautiful statue of Sant’Agata and several paintings dating back to the XVI century. Recently restored, these paintings represent an invaluable cultural heritage. In particular, “La Madonna delle Grazie” by Giovanni Antonino D’Amato il Giovane, portrays the Madonna in a magnificent landscape between Capo di Massa and the island of Capri, offering a view of rare beauty and charm.