Position: Santa Maria

The enchanting Church of Santa Maria, dating back to the XVI century, is recently restored. The church is a treasure of art and spirituality represented by a variety of features. Its beautiful majolica floor, decorated with elaborate XVIII century ornaments, is enriched by stucco works and paintings of the same period, which contribute to create an atmosphere of great charm.

Among the most significant works of art, stand out a painting by Guido Reni. An authentic masterpiece of the famous painter from Bologna, depicting the Sacra Famiglia. Reni donated this painting to the De Curtis family, who hosted him in the church.

The nave of the Church of Santa Maria is spacious and imposing, with a large apse and a majestic dome of square shape. On the entrance door, dating back to 1613, there is a statue of the Madonna and Child from the XV century welcomes the faithful with its sweet presence.

The High Altar, dating from the XVII century and made of precious polychrome marble. Originally it belonged to the Church of San Giuseppe del Quartiere and was moved here in 1808. Above it, is placed the ancient effigy of the Misericordia, symbol of protection and divine benevolence.

To the left of the entrance door, along the wall of the nave, there is the charming Chapel dedicated to the Annunziata, dating back to the XVI century. Later, this chapel passed under the title of Santa Maria of Charity, becoming a place of prayer and devotion for the local community.